Just relaxing


What do you enjoy doing to relax? Maybe you take a walk, read a book, go shopping, watch a movie, hang out with friends, sit in the sun or any number of things. For me relaxing depends on my mood, the weather outside and how tired I am. Today my form of relaxing was to bake.

I think one of the reasons I like baking so much is that I get to enjoy taking a few basic ingredients and turn them into yummy food! It’s always fun when the things you bake turn out as good or better than you expected…today was one of those kind of days!

I started the morning by mixing up dough to make English Muffins. I have never made them before today so I was a little nervous to see how they would turn out. I found the recipe for them on Pinterest…click here to go to the recipe. The recipe was very easy to follow, but mixing/kneading the dough was a little harder. The dough is very elastic and somewhat sticky, it would be best to use a mixer that can handle bread dough (like a KitchenAid). But in the absence of such a mixer I mixed/kneaded by hand with a wooden spoon. After I was done mixing I set the dough aside to rise while I began my next project. In the end I was really happy with how the muffins looked and I can’t wait to taste them tomorrow morning!





My other baking project today was making soft pretzels. Homemade soft pretzels are one of my favorite baked goods to make. If you haven’t tried making them before you should definitely give it a try! They are really quite easy to make and are a fun kitchen project to make with the kids in your life. If you want to read more about my love for pretzels and see the recipe I use you can read my post called Homemade Soft Pretzels. (Sorry there aren’t any pictures with the Pretzel post…I need to fix that.)


These made a perfect lunch!


I hope you are having a nice Saturday and take some time this weekend to relax!